18/5/2024 Models
Hello to anyone reading this! I thought I would start a little blog on the website to keep track of my progress, motivate myself, and also share some things I wouldn’t otherwise be able to. So the thing I’m excited about right now is the range of models I am working on! So far, I’ve finished the Hoplite-pattern battlesuits and drones for the Delian league of planets, but I’ll soon have their commander up as well. I’ve also been working on some small pieces of terrain, as well as some larger, modular stuff, but that’s going to take a while to finish.
Apart from the terrain, I’m not sure yet what unit I’ll work on next- I want to get the Harpy-pattern battlesuits done, and maybe the cyclops as well, but I also want to work on other factions, and especially infantry. I’ve been drawing a lot of concepts for various units, and I can’t wait to turn them into actual models. My plan is for all my models to be super modular, so you can swap arms, heads, weapons, etc. between any models, and really customise them.
I’ve also been experimenting with making molds of my models, and casting the parts from resin. In fact, most of the models you’ll see in my photos are at least partially made from cast, rather than printed parts- which is probably why they sometimes look a little rough! But anyway, I have had a lot of failed casts, so I decided to use some of these pieces to create a little wrecked battlesuit terrain piece. I’m really happy with it, and I’m thinking about ways to make a printable model like this, but I would encourage anyone reading to try something like this too- just print out some pieces, break them a little, cut and file them, maybe drill some bullet holes, stick it all on a base, and you have a fun little piece of terrain!
Anyway, that’s all for now- check out the models if you haven’t already, and thanks for reading!